Wednesday, April 22, 2009

To me the definition of belonging understanding. Often times people are referred to as weird. My views are that no one can be weird if there isn't an authentic definition of what it is to be normal. These people are not weird; they are just as unique as any other person. Commonly people exhibit similar traits ( which they may refer to as pretty), and characteristics. Anyone that differs slightly from those characteristics or traits are considered an outcast. The "outcast" has not felt a sense of belonging because he/she has been critized and excluded from social groups. Also, a sense of belonging comes from knowing yourself. I feel like if a sense-of-self has been established then it is harder for your feelings to be hurt because no one can try to belittle you, or get on you about flaws.For some a sense of belonging may come from family. It they are accepted amongst family members then they may feel wanted. From watching other teenagers, i have noticed that their sense of belonging is being accepted by a group of individuals. All of these minor aspects contribute to feeling belonged. A person cannot have one without another.

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