Wednesday, March 18, 2009


What is home, and why is it important? The concept of home differs among certain people. Some may think that home is fishing, or being out in the woods all day. Others may think home is hanging around their friends. Whatever the case may be, they all think of "home" as one thing because the concept "home" has the same foundation. This foundation is love, and a sense of belonging. Home is a feeling so comforting and tranquilizing that it makes one forget about their problems. George and Lennie serve as an great example of persons know the meaning of Home. With their relationship, they have found home in one another. This sense of feeling at "home" is a feeling of completion. One aspect of "home" is the sense of belonging. A sense of belonging helps a person to develop beyond measure, it helps them to develop-mentally, physically and emotionally. In Of Mice and Men, George took upon himself the responsibility of taking care of Lennie, because he knew how important having a sense of home was. He knew that Lennie would have a hard time developing if, he was not shown love and patience.

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