Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sonny Blog

What does the brother realize about Sonny as he plays the piano? What does the music allow Sonny to do?
While staring at his brother out the window Sonny’s brother realizes Sonny’s purpose in life. He realizes that Sonny place in life is to be an inspiration; an inspiration to other people who lived in the same environment he did. He realizes that through music Sonny exhibits to others how to make the best out of their situation. Through music Sonny is able to find peace and able to release any negative feelings that he had. Through his music he is able to fly, he is back to when he was a child and he dreams of anything without limitations. When he plays music he is able to envision himself without a veil, not being invisible but being his veritable self. His music to share his form of expression with others; they are able to feel the music as they pass by and the music resonates with them. His music provides hope. He exhibits a healthy way of coping through music, which allows people to see that a person can cope without resorting to drugs. He exhibits that there is no limitations within your own imagination.

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